• How to do structural strengthening with carbon fiber

    Carbon fiber reinforcement is a new type of reinforcement method that plays a very important role in building reinforcement engineering. There are many places where it can be used. In the building reinforcement industry, carbon fiber reinforcement is…

    未分类 22/02/2020
  • Gaoziku Reservoir Reinforcement Engineering Campaign Announcement

    This campaign project Gaoziku Reservoir Reinforcement Project (project name) has been organized and implemented by Suining Kaida Investment Co., Ltd. as the project owner according to the approval of the management committee. The project has been qua…

    未分类 15/02/2020
  • Infrastructure Madman- Thunder God Mountain Hospital in the all-night battle

    Build a hospital in 10 days to support Wuhan to fight against the plague 1:27 January 29, 2020, aerial photography of the construction site of Wuhan Lei Shenshan Hospital, the workers work overtime and overnight. At 1:40 in the morning, Mr. Xiong, wh…

    News 29/01/2020
  • The most comprehensive strategy of Concrete column reinforcement

    Concrete column is the main load-bearing component in the building. With the increase of the service time of the building, the durability of the concrete column is prone to decline and the strength and rigidity are insufficient due to the early defec…

    未分类 18/12/2019
  • New Material of Composite Piling

    Composite sheet pile is a kind of high-strength new material, which is made of the environmental polymer reinforced composite material by a variety of additives. The shape of sheet pile is designed according to the mechanical principle, adopting the …

    未分类 18/12/2019
  • Stair design and reinforcement

    Stairs are divided into two types: staircases and beams. Slab stairs are composed of platform beams, platform slabs, and ramp slabs. Beam staircases have increased ramp sloping beams compared to slab stairs. The stair steps and plates have similar st…

    未分类 16/12/2019
  • Decrypting Carbon Fiber

    Carbon fiber is made of organic parent fiber such as polyacrylonitrile (PAN) (or asphalt, viscose) by pyrolysis method under high temperature above 1000 degrees Celsius inert gas (the result is to remove most elements except carbon) Is an inorganic p…

    未分类 10/12/2019
  • Types of cracks in building structures  

    “Cracks”-a construction problem that plagues most people. Our company also often receives inquiries about cracks. Many owners find cracks on the walls, beams, floors, etc. of their houses. They are all worried about whether the cracks wil…

    未分类 06/12/2019
  • Build, Build, Build program in the Philippines will be affected- The President signed the budget 4 days after threatening to “outright veto” the entire budget.

    MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) – After over two months of the government operating on a reenacted budget, President Rodrigo Duterte has signed the 2019 General Appropriations Act or national budget. Duterte signed Republic Act 11260 on Monday, April 1…

    未分类 16/04/2019
  • 揭2016热销洋货 网易考拉圣诞大促主打榜单经济

    从双11到双12,再从黑五到圣诞,2016年年末电商大战持续上演。作为唯一参加双11、黑五、双12的最大跨境电商平台网易考拉海购,日前也宣布在12月23日-25日启动圣诞跨年季大促,不打价格战而是主打榜单经济,将发布2016年网易考拉海购年终大赏,盘点揭秘2016全年值得买买买的洋货,满足用户更专业、更个性化的海淘需求。 主打年终大赏 年终大赏是本次网易考拉海购圣诞跨年大促的最大亮点。在大数据技术支持下,网易考拉海购通过挖掘全年销售数据,推出好评风云榜、海淘新奇特、黑马进击榜 、三石口碑榜、吐血…